GitHub - the Next Bad Guy?
Is GitHub the next bad guy in the IT-industry?
It’s not that long ago, that Microsoft was the bad guy for everything happening in the IT-industry. It was just cool to bash MS in favor of any Linux/Open-Source solution.
Now we have 2017, the situation has changed dramatically:
- Microsoft is starting to become cool, being the Nr. 1 contributor in the Open Source world
- Microsoft and Google have swapped places: “Microsoft is The New Google, Google is the Old Microsoft“
- GitHub has become one of the major dependencies for every IT-company
I claim that GitHub has a huge potential to become the new bad guy in the industry:
- Recently it was announced that GitHub has merged 100 million pull requests.
- Microsoft, Google, Amazon have moved their most important Open Source repos to GitHub.
- Microsoft has announced to shut down CodePlex in favor of GitHub.
Can you remember?
- Not that many years ago, SourceForge was the Nr. 1 Open Source platform.
Sure, there are other (minor) players
I cannot find any numbers, but I guess they are just negligible in terms of number of valuable and important repositories.
So what happens if GitHub is down for a few days, maybe even a week or two?
- Software companies cannot deliver anymore?
- CI/CD processes are broken, no deliveries to cloud services anymore …
Do you think this is an unrealistic scenario?
- Wake up, GitHub can be down
Who is the next big player with the potential to actually break the dependency from GitHub?
Just to make it crystal-clear:
- I love GitHub and spend a significant amount of time on GitHub!
- But I am actually scared about how dependent we start to be on a working GitHub environment & service.
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